NEWCOMER ALERT: Pretty Fix Collections (Subscription Box) — Beauty By Tellie


I’m Kristel. I vlog. I blog. Professional makeup artist based in Manila. 300 hours training in Make Up For Ever Academy, Seoul, South Korea. I live makeup, you have no idea.

NEWCOMER ALERT: Pretty Fix Collections (Subscription Box)

Greetings, my subjects. The SBQ (Subscription Boxes Queen) graces your presence once more for we have wonderful news: we have another option in the subbies game! Everyone, meet Pretty Fix CollectionsThanks to commenter Jen Mendoza for the tip :)

PF's Facebook banner

The Deal:
  • Php 599/box
  • Pay via BDO bank deposit
  • Delivers 11th-15th of the month
  • No minimum-item promise
  • No subscription packages (but you can pre-pay for as long as you want)

What Makes It Different?

PFC seems to be more of a home-based operation. Whereas the other subscription boxes  have their own websites with a sign-up/account system, this one works purely off of Facebook messaging. That's great for people who aren't too techy but the lack of a computerized system makes me nervous for my three months pre-payment. What if there's a snafu and my reserved box gets defaulted? But that's just me freaking out. I'm pretty sure they're on top of things; people have thrived and survived without these programs since forever.

Pretty Fix Collection: May Collection, the debut box

Case in point: I ordered two weeks ago (June 24, Monday.) I forgot to process payment and when I apologized on Wednesday, PFC informed me that my boxes were still on hold. I finalized payment by Thursday and got my boxes by Saturday- VERY FAST and ORGANIZED. All of the subbies are indeed fast and relatively organized but I guess I just didn't expect that from this underdog, operating on lil' ole' Facebook :P

Another thing that makes PFC different from the rest is that they seem to have purely, or at least mostly, full-size items. Even though it's a little bit expensive, the fee is at par with the current price range of most subscription boxes.

The debut box had 4 out of 6 The Body Shop shower items, which may speak negatively of its brand diversity but the next box is more diverse and more exciting. They're gearing up towards makeup and more exciting brands ('cause, let's face it, TBS pretty meh) and I am absolutely on board with everything!


I'm not going to spoil the June and July boxes but I am absolutely loving Pretty Fix Collections! I think it's great for that segment of the market who wants to get in on the subscription craze but are much too controlling to go with the surprise element.

You could argue WTF? I'd rather spend/save my Php 599 towards something that's on my wish list. And I agree- you totally could. The beauty with PFC is that you're not obligated to prepay for a box. You  know exactly what you're getting into before they deliver the boxes and so, have the option of passing up when you don't find the month's box exciting nor worth the fee.

My May and June Pretty Fix Collections. Unboxings coming up!

Thanks to Jen for tipping me about PFC. (Are you related to Ms. Irish?! :D)

Thanks to Ms. Irish Mendoza for letting me get to know the company and for helping me buy the May and June boxes. See if you can still get yours! ;)

UPDATE: May 2013 Missha Saladbox

My Blog Halfsary Winner!