SCOUTED: MAC x Giambatista Valli — Beauty By Tellie


I’m Kristel. I vlog. I blog. Professional makeup artist based in Manila. 300 hours training in Make Up For Ever Academy, Seoul, South Korea. I live makeup, you have no idea.

SCOUTED: MAC x Giambatista Valli

I've been hearing about a Giambatista Valli collaboration in the works but it never registered to me because all it ever seems is that MAC releases a seasonal collection (4x a year) and further grabs at our wallets with two or so collections in between. I'm all for the good shit but blatant grabs at my money just turn me off.

And then, this happened:

photo by
Mattes; check. Color matched packaging; check. Mixable colors making for 10 combinations; CHECK.

I never got my fix of color experimentation with the OCC Lip Tars and I haven't really pushed myself on this three-or-so-year old lemming because I've heard that Lip Tars were ridiculously difficult to work with.

But MAC Mattes? I can definitely work with that. The hard part is acknowledging I already have all these colors. The even harder part is accepting that color mixing wasn't invented by this collaboration and that I could totally do it with any two random lipsticks in my current collection.

Friends, I need your help. Please talk me out of this.

You may visit for the complete review and swatches.

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