Skincare Snippets 2017-04: Retinoids Have Changed My Life
If anyone has ever felt like they've reached a 'skincare ceiling,' I highly suggest you start looking into using retinoids. For the longest time I've been searching moisturizer shelves high and low for that extra boost of moisture, without really knowing a thing or two about retinoids.
Retinoids were scary for me, because the use of it necessitates the use of sunscreen. I thought 'what potent chemical is this that I'd burn if I didn't use sunscreen??' I used to go about my day just fine without sunscreen, and it's not like I grew a big black hairy birthmark out of the blue (oh, my ignorant days. )
But retinoids are heavily backed by research to actually reverse signs of aging. It evens out your skin tone, plumps up texture and hastens cell turnover. It sounds too good to be true, and is not far off from what most typical skincare ingredients advertise, but the only difference is that those are marketing bs and this is the only one compound backed up by study. I still wasn't a believer, so it wasn't really exciting to me. Especially since it comes with the added burden of sunblock.
The Ordinary 2% Advanced Retinoid
Yet when The Ordinary started gaining traction in the online community, I was ordered by my dermatologist sister to get The Ordinary 2% Advanced Retinoid (PHP 750, @beautymaniacsph) I didn't think much of it - I didn't even taper use of it, because it was my first time to go beyond frilly layering and I was confused with all the acids I wanted to try. But just one day of use COMPLETELY BLEW MY MIND AWAY. My crusty skin finally actually felt plump??? Even with layering (+ sheet masks,) a retinoid-less plump lasts a couple of hours on me, max. Advanced Retinoid actually gave me supple skin CONSISTENTLY. As in, until the next day, when I had to do skincare again.
For the first time in my life, my skin feels like water is chillin' on top of it, rather than just gliding off the top of my crusty flakes. My skin actually feels a little more gummy, smooth and latexy, whereas before I didn't realize how I always felt like I had a thin sheet of onion skin covering what could be great skin.
I'm currently on rest from it though, as I'm preparing to undertake red light therapy. I cannot wait to get back to using it!
Other things to know about retinoid: 2-3 drops for the whole face is fine, tapered from once a week, to a more frequent dose until you can tolerate a daily habit. May cause irritation at first, including redness and itchiness. You need to use sunblock to enjoy the full effects. Not for breastfeeding or pregnant women. Please consult a dermatologist and study very carefully before buying and trying.
Other things to know about The Ordinary 2% Advanced Retinoid: deeply emollient - so potential irritation is more manageable (+), comes in an amber dropper bottle (+).